The purpose of the project is to construct a multi-purpose recreational trail within the Town of Mansfield and to provide bicycle access to town facilities and recreational areas, including the Mansfield MBTA Commuter Rail Station. The on-road portion of the project will be a signed-shared roadway from the Mansfield MBTA Station to East Street, and Old Colony Way. The off-road portion will be a shared-use path along the former Old Colony Railroad Right of Way from East Street to Fruit Street. This 2 mile shared-use path consists of a 3 foot grass shoulder along the westside, a 10 foot paved multi-use trail and a 5 foot graded dirt shoulder along the east side for horses. The remaining portion of the top of the Rail Road embankment will be cleared of underbrush. Also included is a small parking area for five cars within the former Old Colony Railroad Right of Way near Fruit Street