Project Description:
Tiffany Street will be cold planed and resurfaced from Route 123 to 700 feet east of the I-95 overpass. New sidewalks will be constructed on the south side, intersection improvements will be provided at Route 123 and a new traffic signal system installed. Minor pavement widening will be completed to provide a consistent roadway width of 32 feet, with two 12 foot travel lanes and two 4 foot shoulders. Ides Hill Commerce Way will be constructed starting at approximately 700 feet east of the I-95 overpass and extend easterly through the southerly portion of the Attleboro Industrial/Business Park to County Street. A new intersection will be constructed with Tiffany Street. The proposed roadway section includes two 12 foot travel lanes, two 4 foot shoulders, 5 foot wide sidewalks on both sides of the roadway, retaining walls, new drainage system, lighting, underground utilities, and a new traffic signal system at the intersection of County Street.