The project limits are on town-owned Westfield Street (Route 20) from upper Church Street easterly 1400 feet to North/South Boulevard then continuing easterly for 2700 feet to Elm Street, for a total length of 4100 feet (0.78 miles). Work will include the construction of a new signalized intersection (with Route 20 Eastbound right turn lanes) at VanDeene Street and the upgrade signals at North/South Boulevard. Also included will be the reclamation and widening of the pavement (from approximately 42 feet to 54 feet wide) for the westerly four lane section (1400 feet) and the cold planing and overlay of the easterly, 40 foot wide 2 lane section (2700 feet). New cement concrete sidewalks are proposed for both sides of Route 20. Existing granite curb will be reset and new granite curb will be installed where needed. Isolated drainage repairs and upgrades will be included. Minor land takings will be required at the VanDeene and North/South Boulevard intersections for the addition of turn lanes and signal equipment. Coordination of the proposed signalized intersection at VanDeene Street with the existing signalized intersection at Elm Street will be considered.