Project Description:
The proposed Nonantum Road project will narrow the roadway to two 11-foot travel lanes for most of the stretch between Galen Street in Watertown and the Brook Street/North Beacon Street intersection in Boston. A new 4-foot-wide flush, paved median will divide traffic in each direction and help reduce the potential for head-on collisions. Enhancements to the closed drainage system and the inclusion of storm water treatment best management practices are part of the project. The project also includes provisions for protected, designated left-turn lanes at major intersections and access points, including Maple Street, Charlesbank Road and driveway locations to the Newton Yacht Club, Daly Field/Daly Skating Rink and the new DCR Community Rowing House. New 3-foot wide outside shoulders are provided for additional safety and on-road bicycle accommodation. The plans include striped pedestrian crossings near major intersections; an expanded multi-use path with sitting areas and views of the river; an additional landscape buffer between the multi-use path and roadway; guard rail and fencing protection; and new ornamental, period lighting for the roadway and multi-use path.