Project Description:
BRAINTREE- MILTON- CLEANING & PAINTING OF 3 BRIDGES: M-25-019 (3FA), M-25-020 (3F9), B-21-029 (357) & JOINT REPAIRS ON B-21-029 (34A)
Braintree – Bridge No. B-21-029 (34A) – Route 3 Southbound over Route 128 Westbound
Repairs include but are not limited to the partial removal of pavement and waterproofing
membrane over the longitudinal deck joint, concrete repairs to the exposed top of bridge deck,
sealing the longitudinal deck joint, installing a new layer of waterproofing membrane, and
overlaying with hot mix asphalt; removing and replacing the compression seal at the deck joints
located at the piers; and removing and rebuilding the guard rail transitions at the west approach.
Braintree – Bridge No. B-21-029 (357) – Route 128 Westbound over Route I-93
Repairs include but are not limited to removing and rebuilding the bridge deck joints; cold
planing the approach pavement and repaving with hot mix asphalt; and cleaning (full removal)
and painting all structural steel including bearings.
Milton – Bridge No. M-25-019 (3FA) – Wood Street over Route I-93
Repairs include but are not limited to removing steel rocker bearings at the pier and replacing
with elastomeric bearings; concrete repairs to bridge deck, sidewalk, and safety walk, cold
planing the concrete surface of the bridge deck and replacing with a latex modified high-early
strength concrete overlay; cleaning expansion joint; removing and resetting bridge curb sections;
removing and rebuilding protective screen at corners of bridge; cold planing the approach
pavement and repaving with hot mix asphalt; cleaning (full removal) and painting bridge railing;
and cleaning (full removal) and painting all structural steel including bearings at abutments.
Milton – Bridge No. M-25-020 (3F9) – Antwerp Street over Route I-93
Repairs include but are not limited to structural steel repairs to a fascia beam; concrete repairs to
bridge deck, sidewalk, and safety walk, crack treatment and epoxy-urethane waterproofing
overlay on surface of bridge deck; cleaning expansion joint; removing and rebuilding protective
screen at corners of bridge; cold planing the approach pavement and repaving with hot mix
asphalt; cleaning (full removal) and painting bridge railing; and cleaning (full removal) and
painting all structural steel including bearings.