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Project Description:
This project will improve traffic signal timing and phasing at the intersection to allow for better traffic flow, along with determining the proper lane configuration on the approaches. The existing signal equipment will be upgraded, and improvements to the existing driveways near the intersection will be investigated. Other improvements will include new pavement markings, signage and improved pedestrian access.
  • Town of Greenfield
  • Resident Engineer: Jay Niedbala
    Construction Contract Value: $1,235,930.00
    Construction Bid Price: $1,100,437.50
    Initial Construction Estimate: $957,000.00
    District: District 2

    Contracts (4) Progress
    # 63996 -- Design -- Hwy Eng Open End
    Work will consist of facilitating Road Safety Audits and providing engineering design services on an open end basis for high crash locations in Franklin Council region. Final
    # 64308 -- Design -- Hwy Eng Open End
    Work will consist of providing engineering design and review services to MassDOT on a task order basis for various statewide highway and bridge projects. Final
    # 64315 -- Design -- Hwy Eng Open End
    Work will consist of providing engineering design and review services to MassDOT on a task order basis for various statewide highway and bridge projects. Final
    # 85004 -- Construction Contract
    Intersection Improvements and Related Work (Including Signals) at Route 2A (Mohawk Trail) and Shelburne Road/River Street Completed


  • - none -
  • Contract Dates
    Notice to Proceed: 07/16/2015
    Contract Information
    Project Designer: Consultant
    Funding Source: CONGESTION MIT. AIR QUAL.
    See the Milestone Details tab for additional Project information
    Property Impacts - Right of Way
    no comments
    Environmental Impacts
    no comments
    Project Design
    no comments
    Project Funding
    no comments
    Public Involvement
    no comments
    no comments
    Accelerated Bridge Program
    no comments
    No TIP Data Available For This Project
    Project Task Information
    Project Status
    Project Need Form PNF Entered 05/25/2012
    Project Initiation Form PIF Entered 05/25/2012
    Project Initiation Form PRC Submitted 05/25/2012
    Project Review Committee PRC Approved 07/26/2012
    Project Status Advertised 09/20/2014
    Project Management
    100% Design 100% Package Received 07/15/2014
    100% Design 100% Package Comments to DE 08/06/2014
    25% Design 25% Package Received 05/06/2013
    25% Design 25% Package Comments to DE 06/06/2013
    25% Design Design Public Hearing 11/05/2013
    75% Design 75% Package Received 02/24/2014
    75% Design 75% Package Comments to DE 03/13/2014
    Final Design PS&E Received 09/09/2014
    Final Design PS&E to FAPRO 09/17/2014
    Consultant Contract Process NTP Issued 10/16/2012