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Project Description:
In general, the work to be done under this contract involves the replacement of the bridge carrying U.S. Route 20 (Park Street/Boston Road East) Over Quaboag River. The work includes the demolition of the existing two-span bridge structure consisting of steel beams, a reinforced concrete deck, and bituminous concrete overlay, and concrete abutments and center pier. The work shall include roadway work ancillary to the bridge, Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) supported stone gabion retaining walls, drainage improvements, rip rap slope improvements, and landscape enhancements.
  • Town of Monson
  • Town of Palmer
  • Construction Begins: Spring 2021
    Resident Engineer: Richard Wonderlie
    Construction Bid Price: $7,589,230.16
    District: District 2

    Contracts (2) Progress
    # 113891 -- Construction Contract
    Bridge Replacement and Related Work Br. No. M-27-022=P-01-033 (Steel) Route 20 (Park Street) over the Quaboag River (Re-Advertised Project) 88% Complete
    # 77877 -- Design -- Hwy Eng Open End
    Master Service Agreement for statewide design and review services. Final


    Contract Dates
    Notice to Proceed: 04/16/2021
    Contract Information
    Project Designer: Consultant
    Funding Source: Non Federal Aid
    See the Milestone Details tab for additional Project information
    Property Impacts - Right of Way
    no comments
    Environmental Impacts
    no comments
    Project Design
    no comments
    Project Funding
    no comments
    Public Involvement
    no comments
    no comments
    Accelerated Bridge Program
    no comments
    No TIP Data Available For This Project
    Project Task Information
    Project Status
    Project Need Form PNF Entered 09/06/2013
    Project Initiation Form PIF Entered 09/06/2013
    Project Initiation Form PRC Submitted 09/06/2013
    Project Review Committee PRC Approved 09/16/2013
    Project Status Advertised 08/15/2020
    Project Status Advertised 01/23/2021
    Project Management
    100% Design 100% Package Received 01/28/2020
    100% Design 100% Package Comments to DE 03/02/2020
    25% Design 25% Package Received 12/10/2018
    25% Design 25% Package Comments to DE 03/11/2019
    25% Design Design Public Hearing 07/09/2019
    75% Design 75% Package Received 10/30/2019
    75% Design 75% Package Comments to DE 12/06/2019
    Final Design PS&E Received 04/23/2020
    Final Design PS&E Received - Resub 1 05/21/2020
    Final Design PS&E Received - Resub 2 06/05/2020