Project Description:
The work under this contract consists of the reconstruction of traffic signal systems at seven (7) locations, with a Central Traffic Signal Control System with Adaptive Operation along Rogers Street/Main Street (Route 38) in Lowell/Tewksbury, MA. The work shall consist of vehicle detection, emergency vehicle preemption, signal posts, signal heads, accessible pedestrian signals, mast arm assemblies, cabinets, foundations, pull boxes, electric handholes, service connections, wireless broadband radio communications, and all other equipment, materials and incidental costs necessary to furnish, install and program a complete and functioning traffic control signal system as specified and as shown in the contract documents. The Central Traffic Signal Control System shall include monitoring and traffic counting capabilities including turning moving counts (TMCs) and other incidental work. The work shall also consist of performing soil borings for each mast arm location for mast arm foundation designs.
The work also consists of constructing cement concrete sidewalks and pedestrian curb ramps, hot mix asphalt sidewalks, disposing of existing granite curbing and installing new curb, providing and spreading loam borrow and seed, traffic signing and pavement markings and traffic control management.