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Project Description:
The Bourne Rail Trail is a proposed half-mile long paved path that will run from Monument Neck Road at John Stackpole Memorial Park from the South to the existing Cape Cod Canal Bike Path to the north. The trail will be constructed entirely within the existing railroad right of way.
  • Town of Bourne
  • Design Responsibility: Municipality
    Right of Way Responsibility: Municipality
    Construction Begins: Autumn 2025
    Project Manager: Joseph Gyujong Yoo
    Estimated Total Contract Cost: $3,717,694.69
    Estimated Total Federal Participating Construction Cost: $4,038,690.99
    Funding Provision: This project is planned to be funded through the 2025 Transportation Improvement Program for the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization.
    District: District 5
    Current Status: 75% Package Comments to DE (as of 11/20/2023 )

    Contracts (0) Progress
    No contracts associated with this project


    See the Milestone Details tab for additional Project information
    Property Impacts - Right of Way
    no comments
    Environmental Impacts
    no comments
    Project Design
    no comments
    Project Funding
    no comments
    Public Involvement
    no comments
    Accelerated Bridge Program
    no comments
    Planned Federal FY: 2025
    Responsible MPO: Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization
    Location: Municipality
    Cities: BOURNE
    Category: Advertised Projects Constr.
    Budget Section: 2C
    Advance Construct: No
    Air Quality Exempt: No

  • TFPC - $4,200,239; CMAQ approved
  • Category FA - Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ)
    Federal Cost: $3,360,191.20
    State Cost: $840,047.80
    Total Cost: $4,200,239.00

    Project Task Information
    Project Status
    Project Need Form PNF Entered 11/02/2018
    Project Need Form PNF Approved 10/18/2018
    Project Initiation Form PIF Entered 11/02/2018
    Project Initiation Form PIF Approved 11/02/2018
    Project Initiation Form PRC Submitted 11/02/2018
    Project Review Committee PRC Approved 12/06/2018
    Project Management
    25% Design 25% Package Received 04/23/2020
    25% Design 25% Package Comments to DE 08/17/2020
    25% Design Design Public Hearing 09/29/2021
    75% Design 75% Package Received 10/21/2022
    75% Design 75% Package Received 08/11/2023
    75% Design 75% Package Comments to DE 11/20/2023
    Consultant Contract Process NTP Issued 04/03/2019