Project Description:
The goal of the project is to rehabilitate Route 110 (Chelmsford Street) to enhance economic development within the Center Village by improving the safety of the corridor, improving pedestrian and bicycle facilities, improving the corridor aesthetics, and providing on-street parking where space allows. To enhance safety of the corridor the design intent is to eliminate head-in off street parking and consolidate driveways openings to reduce vehicular accidents and vehicular/pedestrian conflicts. Where feasible on-street parking will be provided to replace off street parking that is eliminated. To improve pedestrian bicycle accommodations the project will provide ADA compliant sidewalks on both sides of the road, wheel chair ramps, crosswalks, and an improved crossing facility for the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail at Fletcher Street. Small retaining walls will be required at the intersection to support the widened rail trail as part of the crossing improvements.
The corridor improvements are proposed to be consistent with the enhancements previously constructed in Chelmsford Center using brick walks, decorative lighting, new traffic signals, new signage, landscaping, and relocating the overhead utilities to be underground from Chelmsford Center to Fletcher Street. As part of the project a new closed drainage system will also be provided to meet gutter spread requirements and improve localized flooding within the project limits.