Project Description:
This project will implement a Complete Streets template on urban sections of State Highways Route 7 and Route 23. From Belcher Square (the signalized intersection of Routes 7 & 23) the project extends north for about 1.4 miles on Route 7 and east for about 1.1 miles on Route 23. Proposed highway cross-section will include full bicycle and pedestrian accommodation and likely two travel lanes for motor vehicles (TWLTL currently exists on Route 7). The traffic signal at Belcher Square was initially installed in 1992 and has had various upgrades since then, including total control cabinet replacement in 2016. Drainage, signage, guardrail, and highway lighting will be evaluated for upgrade/replacement as required. Bridge G-11-021 on Route 7 (over Tom Palmer Brook, approximately 600 feet north of Belcher Square) will likely require rehab or replacement to accommodate a wider highway cross-section (bike lanes do not currently exist on the bridge). At the time of project initiation (May 2019) the town of Great Barrington has indicated that they will be constructing an off-road pedestrian path from the northern end of the Route 7 commercial strip (about 0.9 miles north of Belcher Square) to the Community Health Center (another 0.4 miles north). This off-road path may be taken into consideration when the highway project is evaluated by MassDOT for Complete Streets compliance.