Project Description:
Proposed improvements are as follows:
* Replace sidewalk ramps at Grassy Gutter / Bliss intersection;
* New concrete sidewalk on south side of Bliss Road from Grassy Gutter to Blueberry Hill Road (approximately 610 feet);
* Replace pedestrian crossing on Bliss Road (at Blueberry intersection). Elements shall include sidewalk ramps, paved speed table, rectangular Rapid flashing beacons, and pavement markings.
* Widening of existing sidewalk on east side of Blueberry Hill Road from Bliss Road to entrance drive of Blueberry Hill Road
* Removal of existing pedestrian crossing on Bliss Road (approximately 320 feet east of Blueberry Hill Road)
* New pedestrian crossing on Bliss Road (approximately 385 feet east of Blueberry Hill Road).
The foregoing work will include incidental storm drainage modifications, curbing, existing sidewalks, vegetation establishment, and signage.