Project Description:
The project limits include a 0.74-mile segment of Main Street from North Avenue to Salem Street in Wakefield. In addition, the limits of work include a 0.36-mile segment of Albion Street from the intersection of Main Street to the west, a 0.28-mile segment of Water Street from the intersection of Main Street to the east. The project limits also include Common Street, Lake Avenue, Spaulding Street, Princess Street, and Centre Street. The goal of this project is to incorporate complete streets design elements along the roadway, including the provision of dedicated bicycle facilities, improve safety for all roadway users (vehicular, pedestrians and bicyclists), and improve accessibility at all pedestrian crossings along the corridor, which currently consist of numerous striped crosswalks that are not ADA compliant and frequently do not provide curb ramps. These improvements will also enhance mobility between the neighborhood and the Route 136/137 bus.
Major improvements to the corridor include incorporating complete streets design elements such as off-road separated bike lanes for the majority of the corridor (with on-road bike lanes in the short segments where the cross-section is too narrow for separated bike lanes), and ADA/AAB compliant sidewalks, pedestrian ramps, and crosswalks. A multi-use path has also been proposed on the west side of Main Street, between the intersections of Water Street and North Avenue. The proposed cross-section for Main Street includes one-lane of travel in each direction with additional turn lanes at signalized intersections, where warranted, on-street parking for the majority of the corridor, and bicycle facilities on both sides of the roadway on Main Street.
All traffic signals will be upgraded to conform with MUTCD-compliance, and an adaptive signal system is proposed for the Water Street signals to improve the traffic flow. Sidewalks will be reconstructed, and the curbs will be shifted along the Main Street corridor to narrow the roadway cross-section and to provide off-road bicycle facilities. Landscape strips will be provided between the bicycle accommodations and the edge of curb.