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Project Description:
The Adams Street at Canton Avenue, Randolph Avenue and High Street intersection improvements project features the installation of a traffic signal for the complex five-legged intersection and signal coordination along the Adams Street corridor. The approaches of Adams Street, Canton Avenue, Randolph Avenue and High Street will all be brought under traffic signal control. This traffic signal reconfiguration will improve safety and operations for this complex intersection, providing Randolph Avenue and Canton Avenue the ability to enter Adams Street under signal control. The project will also extend north along Adams Street to the signalized intersection with Eliot Street, to include traffic signal coordination between the proposed signal and the existing signal at Eliot Street to improve traffic flow and queue management along Adams Street. Currently, discussions are ongoing with the City of Boston to expand coordination along Adams Street into Boston, primarily with the intersection of Adams Street, Dorchester Avenue and Washington Street. The project will include improvements to existing sidewalks, curb ramps and crosswalks throughout the corridor and all intersecting roadways to meet ADA and AAB requirements. Given the existing roadway cross-section, including on-street parking along Adams Street, and the proximity of buildings to the back of sidewalk, bicycle accommodation through on-road facilities would be challenging. Furthermore, the pedestrian activity with businesses and transit options would not be ideal for shared accommodations for bicycles and pedestrians. A further evaluation of the potential for bicycle accommodation and typical section concepts will be completed as part of the Design Justification Workbook process during the 25% design stage of the project. The existing closed drainage system will also be modified to meet with the proposed roadway design to capture and treat stormwater runoff. In total, the project will reconstruct approximately 1000 feet of Adams Street, 250 feet of Randolph Avenue, 250 feet of Canton Avenue, 150 feet of Eliot Street and 100 feet of Wharf Street. The current typical pavement width of the corridor varies between 32 to 52 feet, within a varying 55 to 75 foot Right of Way. The proposed typical section would be an 8 foot sidewalk, a 2 foot shoulder, an 8 foot parking lane and a 12 foot lane on both sides for a total of 60 feet along the corridor. Within the intersections, travel lanes would narrow to 11 feet for the through movements and provide 10 foot left-turn and right-turn lanes.
  • Town of Milton
  • Design Responsibility: Municipality
    Right of Way Responsibility: Municipality
    Project Manager: Adam W Kiel
    Estimated Total Contract Cost: $1,604,500.00
    Estimated Total Federal Participating Construction Cost: $1,799,330.00
    District: District 6
    Current Status: This project is in the preliminary design phase.

    Contracts (0) Progress
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    Property Impacts - Right of Way
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    Project Task Information
    Project Status
    Project Need Form PNF Entered 04/10/2020
    Project Need Form PNF Approved 04/03/2020
    Project Initiation Form PIF Entered 04/10/2020
    Project Initiation Form PIF Approved 04/10/2020
    Project Initiation Form PRC Submitted 04/10/2020
    Project Review Committee PRC Approved 04/30/2020
    Project Management