Project Description:
This project is intended to realign a portion of Interstate 91 in Longmeadow and Springfield, including the installation of collector distribution roads along the mainline and a peanut roundabout at the US Route 5 interchange. The number of on/off ramps will be reduced and the northbound lane drop will be eliminated. This project also includes the construction of a roundabout at the connection to Route 5 at the eastern end of the South End Bridge. This work would also allow for the construction of a shared-use path to connect the Connecticut Riverwalk/Bikeway and South End Bridge with the Forest Park area.
This project will greatly improve the roadway geometry including the installation of proper shoulders and adequate curve radii to mainline interstate speeds. There will be safety improvements and reduced congestion due to reduction in weaving/merging/diverging sections and associated elevated crash levels. There will be enhanced access between I-91 and Route 5 and 83.
There will be significant construction impacts on Interstate 91, Route 5, Route 83, and Route 57. There could also be impacts to the entrance of Forest Park, minor takings and/or permanent easements, and temporary easements. There will need to be coordination with the proposed South End Bridge replacement and associated roundabout work.