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Project Description:
The proposed concept for Elm Street addresses the lack of safe options for people walking and provides specific improvements. Firstly, there are several short driveway curb cuts in the area with large or undefined curb radii which presents challenges for people walking and driving. As a result, tightening the driveway curb radii and adding high-visibility crosswalks along the commercial driveways is shown to mitigate future crash risk, create a pleasant walking environment and create more predictability within the roadway. At Route 1A, high-visibility crosswalks are proposed on the east leg and for the crosswalk adjacent to the slip lane. Yield markings and signage are proposed along most slip lanes that are yield-controlled to caution and provide more visibility to people walking. Overall these improvements add more accessible space and more visibility for people walking, while directing traffic such that it reduces high speeds. At the Route 1 and Elm Street intersection, raised crosswalks are proposed where possible on crosswalks that cross right-turn slip lanes. A curb extension is also proposed on the northeast corner to reduce the crossing distance for people walking (currently 125 feet), and to slow the speed of turning vehicles which was observed in the field across the walk signal. The proposed concepts show the addition of a sidewalk on the east side of the street until it matches existing sidewalk, adding to the existing sidewalk gap. In addition, crosswalks are proposed at all ramp approaches on the east side where they are currently lacking. Signal improvement features including a pedestrian signal at the signalized onramp crosswalk, and a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon RRFB for the offramp crosswalk, are shown to add more visibility and safety for people walking. Accessible features including curb ramps are also shown for the proposed crosswalks. Overall these improvements are critical as they address the existing gap of pedestrian facilities and propose a safe accessible and dedicated space for people walking. Finally, there has been discussions with the MBTA to improve several bus stops along Washington Street, as well as include a stop on Route 1, either in the south island of the Elm/Route 1 intersection, or just north before the Legacy Place entrance.
  • Town of Dedham
  • Design Responsibility: Consultant
    Project Manager: Jonathan E Freeman
    Estimated Total Contract Cost: $1,806,250.00
    Estimated Total Federal Participating Construction Cost: N/A
    District: District 6
    Current Status: This project is in the preliminary design phase.

    Contracts (0) Progress
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    Property Impacts - Right of Way
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    Accelerated Bridge Program
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    Project Task Information
    Project Status
    Project Need Form PNF Entered 12/10/2020
    Project Need Form PNF Approved 12/31/1969
    Project Initiation Form PIF Entered 12/10/2020
    Project Initiation Form PIF Approved 01/01/1900
    Project Initiation Form PRC Submitted 01/04/2021
    Project Review Committee PRC Approved 01/28/2021
    Project Management