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Project Description:
Countermeasures at multiple locations in the district will include replacement of or new construction of pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure including related work such as sidewalks, accessible curb ramps, Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beaconscrossings, appropriate signage, railings, curbing, pavement markings, resurfacing and pavement preservation, on-road bicycle facilities, and shared-use paths. These countermeasures will follow a traditional design-bid-build process.
  • Town of Arlington
  • City of Haverhill
  • Right of Way Responsibility: MassDOT
    Construction Begins: Summer 2025
    Project Manager: Koby J Lemrise
    Estimated Total Contract Cost: $1,913,548.75
    Estimated Total Federal Participating Construction Cost: N/A
    District: District 4
    Current Status: 100% Package Comments to DE (as of 04/01/2024 )

    Contracts (0) Progress
    No contracts associated with this project


  • - none -
  • See the Milestone Details tab for additional Project information
    Property Impacts - Right of Way
    no comments
    Environmental Impacts
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    Project Design
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    Project Funding
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    Public Involvement
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    Accelerated Bridge Program
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    No TIP Data Available For This Project
    Project Task Information
    Project Status
    Project Need Form PNF Entered 11/29/2023
    Project Need Form PNF Approved 11/16/2023
    Project Initiation Form PIF Entered 11/29/2023
    Project Initiation Form PIF Approved 11/16/2023
    Project Initiation Form PRC Submitted 12/08/2023
    Project Review Committee PRC Approved 12/14/2023
    Project Management
    100% Design 100% Package Received 03/14/2024
    100% Design 100% Package Comments to DE 04/01/2024